Covers of Japanese Translations of Captain Future


In 1966 the first translation of Captain Future novel (Captain Future and the Seven Space Stones) was published under Hayakawa SF Series (Paperbacks) following two translations in paperbacks. Between 1970s and 1980s all Captain Future novels were translated under Hayakawa Bunko SF (under Bunko size, smaller size of paperbacks like Reclam Books). All of them were translated by Masahiro Noda. But in early 1990s all of them were out of print. In 1995 five Captain Future novels were republished with new covers.

(*Date under Hayakawa SF Series and Hayakawa Bunko SF represent the date in which they were first published. Dates Under Hayakawa Bunko SF (republished) represent the dates in which they were republished.)

Captain Future and the Space Emperor

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 May, 1974

Calling Captain Future

Hayakawa Bunko SF
30 November, 1971
Hayakawa Bunko SF (republished)
31 March, 1995

Captain Future's Challenge

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 July, 1971
Hayakawa Bunko SF (republished)
31 March, 1995

The Triumph of Captain Future

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 May, 1975

Captain Future and the Seven Space Stones

Hayakawa SF Series
28 February, 1966
Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 March, 1972
Hayakawa Bunko SF(republished)
15 September, 1995

Star Trail to Glory

Hayakawa SF Series
31 July, 1966
Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 May, 1972
Hayakawa Bunko SF (republished)
15 September, 1995

The Magician of Mars

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 December, 1970
Hayakawa Bunko SF (republished)
31 March, 1995

The Lost World of Time

Hayakawa SF Series
15 January, 1967
Hayakawa Bunko SF
30 September, 1972

Quest Beyond the Stars

Hayakawa Bunko
SF 31 March, 1973

Outlaws of the Moon

Hayakawa Bunko SF
30 June, 1980

The Comet Kings

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 March, 1978

Planets in Peril

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 July, 1978

The Face of the Deep

Hayakawa Bunko SF 31 August, 1973

Worlds to Come

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 August, 1981

The Star of Dread

Hayakawa Bunko SF
30 November, 1978

Magic Moon

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 August, 1974

Days of Creation

Hayakawa Bunko SF
15 April, 1980

Red Sun of Danger

Hayakawa Bunko SF
15, March, 1981

Outlaw World

Hayakawa Bunko SF
30 June, 1982

Solar Invasion

Hayakawa Bunko SF
31 May, 1982

Short Stories

SF Magazine August, 1966: which contains
Pardon My Iron Nerves
Translated by Masahiro Noda
Hawk Carse and Other Stories: Space Opera Anthology No. 1
(Hayakawa Bunko SF: First published: 29 Februray, 1972): which contains
Pardon My Iron Nerves
Translated by Masahiro Noda
SF Magazine August, 1977: which contains
Harpers of Titan
Translated by Masahiro Noda
SF Magazine July Extra Issue, 1983 "Captain Future Handbook": which contains
Children of the Sun
Translated by Katsumi Hisamoto and Masahiro Noda

Moon of Unforgotton
Translated by Katsumi Hisamoto and Masahiro Noda

Birthplace of Creation
Translated by Koichi Yamamoto and Mashiro Noda

The Return of Captain Future
Translated by Yasuo Kawai and Masahiro Noda

Earthmen, No More
Translated by Yoshiki Kitano and Masahiro Noda

Harpers of Titan
Translated by Masahiro Noda

Pardon My Iron Nerves: facsimile of the story on Startling Stories November, 1950

Original Captain Future Pastiche by Masahiro Noda

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